Photoshoot  05/2022 - "Who let the dust out?"



May 2022 brought an interesting offer from a photography friend - to participate in the fashion photoshoot for the Estonian Academy of Arts. Driving to the unknown place, where the photography took place (in a house under construction) - without knowing who, what, and in what light you need to photograph exactly. In other words, quick adaptation, because time was limited- only some hours and shooting on the next day wasn't the option. The inspiration came instantly, because both the model and the shooting material - a fashion collection "Who let the dust out?" were absolutely amazing. A great and inspiring experience on so many levels, which made me more interested in fashion photography.

Estonian fashion designer Eneken Johanson' s collection "Who let the dust out?" received the main prize of the legendary ERKI fashion show of 2022.


Maikuu 2022 tõi kaasa huvitava pakkumise fotosõbralt - osaleda Eesti Kunstiakadeemia moekunsti lõputöö jäädvustamises. Sõites tundmatusse, kus pildistamine toimus (ehitusjärgus majas) - teadmata keda, mida ning millises valguses tuleb täpselt pildistada. Ehk siis kiire kohandumine, sest aega oli limiteeritult ja kordus pildistamine polnud võimalik. Inspiratsioon tuli hetkega, sest nii modell, kui ka pildistav materjal - moekollektsioon "Who let the dust out?", olid lihtsalt võrratud. Suurepärane ning inspireeriv kogemus nii mitmelgi tasandil, mis tekitas minus suuremat huvi moefotograafia vastu.

Eesti moedisainer Eneken Johanson'i kollektsioon "Who let the dust out?" pälvis 2022 aasta legendaarse ERKI moeshow peaauhinna.

Designer: @enekenjohanson
Model:                   Model Agency: @modelingagencyicon 